Our dear friend Patti took Anna Cate both Thursday and Friday night so that I could rest and sleep in. Resting they did NOT do. They went to the national zoo, went to see a movie, made home-made ice cream, went to Carl's for milkshakes and played a lot. Patti was BJ's mother's best friend and has honored that friendship with this special bond she creates with my girls, Susie's grand-daughters. She truly is like a grandmother to Anna Cate and we are so lucky. Even if it means she buys her anything she asks for at the zoo, like this lion masque. Ahh, that is what grandparents are for, though.
We met Patti and Anna Cate at a Sunday school function Saturday night at our friends the Silvers' farm and it was a phenomenal fellowship. Great activities and fellowship for adults and kids, alike. Anna Cate got to play with friends in a sprinkler, go on a hay ride, pet horses, smell and see cows and enjoy a beautiful summer evening. She was entertained! Put another way: activities for kids means fellowship time for adults. And Molly was passed around.
I loved my church family before I became a Mama, but there is something so dear about knowing that these people love your kids, and they hold them and entertain them, and I can take a little mental break. Here are some pictures of that....

Today was a nice Sunday....and by nice, I mean I got to go to the gym and the laundry got done. I have a wonderful husband who took both girls to the grocery store so that I could go to the gym. That isn't exactly what you dream of when you think you are falling in love on a first date, but let me tell you THAT IS LOVE!!! It was a good day for the family, too, even though we were heathens and missed church. Anna Cate and BJ went to the pool, but the tornado watch made them think going out for ice cream might be a better idea. I guess ice cream was a theme of AC's weekend, now that I reflect upon it.
I love a whole lot of things about my first born, and her love of fruit and veggies is at the top of the list. When asked at her 4 year appointment what her favorite food is, she said, "Broccoli."
She and her Daddy made a delicious salad for dinner and Daddy treated us to a berry parfait in Margarita glasses:)
On a final note, today is the anniversary of D-Day and I think about all the Americans who gave up this life so that we can enjoy it. Those young men either left children at home or had families in their future unrealized. I do their sacrifice just a little justice by mentioning it, but for the record, it is in my heart.