So this little girl really wanted to go to the beach...

And BJ has always wanted to visit the Eastern Shore of Virginia:

And Chincoteague Island is known for the wild horses. I may have read Misty as a child, but maybe I just recognize the title...

It was also named "Best Beach Town in America" recently, which made us feel "hip" for choosing it as a vacation location.
It was our first family vacation where it was just us and it was grand.
We ate ice cream EVERY. SINGLE. DAY...because that is what you do at the beach!

The last night, we went to a hoppin' place in an old victorian home in downtown Chincoteague. Anna Cate wasn't feeling very well, and she may have only had a little lick because she got a little too much sun because we allowed her to apply her own sunscreen....but it counted. I'll leave you to wonder who finished off her ice cream, and it wasn't Molly nor I.
We had to stop at the creamery on the way out of town to get a tshirt and have ice cream this day too (cake batter birthday cake), which even though AC taste tested it, decided she only wanted one lick. And it wasn't Molly or BJ who finished this one off.

Molly even drooled a bit for the cream, or maybe she is yawning?! We told Anna Cate that Molly was a great little sister to be out and about on this trip so that big sis could have fun. I hope that one day they will enjoy the same things on vacation; and if not, that they will be kind, considerate and fun-loving for each other sisters.

Molly slept after her bed time on me every evening...

So that Anna Cate could play Put-Put and go to a carnival.

And she hit a HOLE-IN-ONE!!! No lie...yes there were several Hole-8 or 10, but there was that one hole. Daddy was a good teacher and the decorations were sooo tacky and hideous, but AC thought they were great!

And she hit a HOLE-IN-ONE!!! No lie...yes there were several Hole-8 or 10, but there was that one hole. Daddy was a good teacher and the decorations were sooo tacky and hideous, but AC thought they were great!

On Saturday night, we experienced life in small town Chincoteague. Each year, the wild ponies are rounded up from Assateague Island (where the beach is, and whose beautiful landscapes are owned by the Park Services) and swum across the water to be marched down Main Street for auction. The firefighters are sort of in charge of this event, and they also host a carnival each year for the the visitors (someone from each state was represented for purchasing the ponies).

We missed the Pony Penning week by one weekend, but got to experience the carnival, giving us a real feel for the town as it seemed this weekend was for the locals. Anna Cate enjoyed the kiddie rides, tossing rings around bottles, eating carny food (although, can you believe she doesn't like funnel cake?!?!?)

We got to see some of the ponies who were passed over.

Neither the rides, nor the funnel cake nor the ponies kept Molly's attention. Thank goodness for a Baby Sling type thing and the smell of Mommy...

Two days for lunch, we ate outside at this fabulous carry out eatery, Woody's Beach BBQ that WILL be on Food TV one day soon showcasing the fresh crab sandwiches, BBQ, cool music, and homey feel. The kids meals come in a sand bucket..

One day, Molly stayed in with BJ so that Anna Cate and I could have some fun together in the sand (and BJ could get a break from the sand).

These images will live in my heart and hopefully in hers. Anna Cate loved the beach. As I watched her take in the waves with her bold, joyous self, I would help her up from some strong ones and smile to see her going back out with bravery and a little caution. It seems one needs both in life and I think the elements are well mixed in my little girl, yet it is a daunting task to parent, to tweak, to model, to let go, to pick up. I'm always blessed with images in my heart of the experiences I have with her as I think about her, watch her, love her, fear for her, guide her, but mostly just deep down in my heart...cheer for her...

On our way back to the hotel from the beach, we found BJ "crabbing" with Molly. BJ's vacation style does not include much "down time," so I wasn't shocked that they didn't stay in for long.

Chincoteague and Assateague are beautiful pieces of Virginia, and it was a great time. We enjoyed fabulous dinners for fresh seafood with fairly well-behaved little girls who matched every night as we made vacation memories as a family. I will remember falling in love with Chincoteague Island, knowing we will return as I have a feeling it became "our place." The small town feel appeals to me, the beauty of its nature, the low-key feel to it all made it new to me as I felt myself knowing that it will become familiar.

Now that I reflect, it was much like how I remember feeling about BJ when we started dating in the Fall of 2003. He was new but I knew he was going to be familiar; he was for me and told him (and meant it) that I loved him really "nerdy" soon after our first date...He said it back. But when you know, you know. I just knew I loved him, and maybe some where deep in my soul, I knew what he would be for my future; could I have really even imagined what a caretaker he is for me, the fabulous Daddy he is?! Well, heck no, but I knew he is a good thing and this is what I'm thinking about Chincoteague Island...I have a hunch she holds good times for our family. And if I'm wrong, then I'm happy with the memories I have of this trip and of our family vacation.

Hope all went well with the 1st few days of school; I was thinking of you all week...especially while pumping.