BJ is out of town staying at the Ritz Carlton in Florida, where he drank bourbon with some buddies last night, and went on a 5 mile run today while I schlepped a nursing baby and a sweet talkative 4 year old to the dentist, Target, and gymnastics before we hit the door running to dinner, baths, etc. He deserves a break and I'm happy for him, really.
Tonight, I texted my best friend Nicole, who with all the wisdom and grace of her sweet self tried to brace me for how hard 2 was, that two children was kicking my ass. With wit and cheer, when she could have said, "I told you so,"she said, yes 2 is hard and that she's sure I'm kicking ass!!
Well, I'm so affected by people's energy that I'm completely transformed with that twist on words. (Sorry for those of you that are offended by the verbage; I don't even let Anna Cate say "butt" so I promise I don't use language like this often. I know it isn't very ladylike, but neither is what I'm about to tell you:)....

Even Miss Diana, who has watched many babies commented that Molly was the most active baby she has ever held. Changing her diaper is not so fun, as she flails, flips, twists, jaunts and turns to do everything to keep herself from the supine position. So, tonight, as I'm trying to nurse her to sleep, I noticed the diaper I just changed was wet.
I thought, "I wonder if I can change her diaper as I'm still feeding her," so I get up, slowly put her on the changing table as she is still nursing, and I'm hunching over... voila -- I changed that diaper! (Granted, it was not a stinky) And I thought, maybe Nicole is right, I am kicking a$$! So tonight I'm proclaiming that in life, it is the small things, the little victories or words of encouragement that can be momentous, propelling us to do the great things in life.... like nourish, entertain, and give care to my babies with a fun spirit.
I hope that these two girls can be for each other what my dear friends are for me: sources of encouragement, wit, wisdom, love and fun. Thanks, Nicole, I love you!

PS. The adorable pink outfit of Molly's in the above pictures are from one of my mom's best friends, Anita. It makes me happy to see Molly Mae in pink frills in an outfit picked out by the dear Miss Anita.
No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth.