Obviously, it was a different, special kind of day.

Not only was I up before she was, I let her have Krispy Kreme donuts in bed.

I took a personal day to spendour her fifth birthday together so that we go out for Tea at Pinkadilly.

It is a delightful Tea Room in a quaint old, chilly cottage in the heart of historical downtown Fredericksburg. I just read that it is rated the #1 tea room in Virginia and one of the top #100 in the country. The warm fireplace and selection of hats to try on got us in the mood for the this delicacy of Mother Daughter experiences.

Some time birthdays don't always go as planned, but this one did.

I've noticed that Anna Cate is at a vertex between little girl and kid, between child and little lady. Our luncheon was a way to take advantage of the little lady and play with the little girl.
She just walked in here and I asked her to help me put in words about the day. "Thank you Mommy for taking me for tea....... I liked the fancy tea cups....... I wish Nana and Grammy and your Grandmother could have been there."
We had tea, shared crumpets and spent precious leisurely time together. I always knew I would LOVE my children; I've been blown away by how much I like her.
She tried the pink tea....after some sugar.

And decided it needed more sugar.

She had the "Little Miss" selection, which included some specialties like a tea pot shaped PB and J sandwich and a teapot lollipop.

After tea, we took advantage of being in downtown Fredericksburg to shop and visit friends.

And invited Baba and Owen to join us for dinner at Red Robin. (yes, we ate out all 3 meals)
Molly and Owen thought it was a date for them.

But Anna Cate knew this was an ending to a day about her.

As we were parting from dinner, Baba looked at Anna Cate and said the sweetest, most insightful thing.
Our dear friend Brenda, who has been there for this girl since night one

Her unwavering attempt to understand the way things work, to get it right:
to be a part of the conversation:

To drink up life:

I want to recollect her sass and her eyes that open wide and flicker a knowing snicker:

I want to remember this smile, this child, this little girl.

Celebrating Anna Cate's birthday, the day I became a mother altering the course of my mind and heart forever, was indeed a special day.
Tea for Three
Come and site with me and we'll have tea
And talk of things that were and things that are to be
Of places we will go and things that we will see
Just the two of us
My dear daughter and me
A little wooden table
With chairs for two, not three
Yes, of course you may bring your bear
And place him on my knee.
No longer just the two of us
It's tea for three, I see
My dear daughter, the bedraggled bear and me
The years passed by and you grew up
Framed in memory, I still see
Cherub hands dimpled daintily, clutching ivory cup of tea
Twinkle laughter owns the moment
Baby faced & full of glee
Starshine dusted by the angels
Oh, God's precious gift to me!
If I live to be a hundred
I shall never richer be
Then when I shared your dazzling presence
And together we sipped tea.
My dear Daughter, the bedraggled bear, and Me!
Lee Scott, c. 1998

Not only was I up before she was, I let her have Krispy Kreme donuts in bed.

I took a personal day to spend

It is a delightful Tea Room in a quaint old, chilly cottage in the heart of historical downtown Fredericksburg. I just read that it is rated the #1 tea room in Virginia and one of the top #100 in the country. The warm fireplace and selection of hats to try on got us in the mood for the this delicacy of Mother Daughter experiences.

Some time birthdays don't always go as planned, but this one did.

I've noticed that Anna Cate is at a vertex between little girl and kid, between child and little lady. Our luncheon was a way to take advantage of the little lady and play with the little girl.
She just walked in here and I asked her to help me put in words about the day. "Thank you Mommy for taking me for tea....... I liked the fancy tea cups....... I wish Nana and Grammy and your Grandmother could have been there."
We had tea, shared crumpets and spent precious leisurely time together. I always knew I would LOVE my children; I've been blown away by how much I like her.
She tried the pink tea....after some sugar.

And decided it needed more sugar.

She had the "Little Miss" selection, which included some specialties like a tea pot shaped PB and J sandwich and a teapot lollipop.

After tea, we took advantage of being in downtown Fredericksburg to shop and visit friends.

And invited Baba and Owen to join us for dinner at Red Robin. (yes, we ate out all 3 meals)
Molly and Owen thought it was a date for them.

But Anna Cate knew this was an ending to a day about her.

As we were parting from dinner, Baba looked at Anna Cate and said the sweetest, most insightful thing.
Our dear friend Brenda, who has been there for this girl since night one
stood in a parking lot and said, "I'm looking at you and trying to remember what you look like at 5 years old."
I thought that was loving and wise. I too want to remember who Anna Cate is at age 5. Her thoughts are so pure and sincere yet silly and whimsical. She is determined yet considerate, quick-witted and sarcastic yet sweet and thoughtful. I know she is my little girl, but her soul is not mine, it is her own. I want to remember her face, her expressions, her being. A tribute to who she is now honors the day she was born is the tip of love and wisdom I got from Brenda. (She has given me more than that.)
I want her face etched in my memory and the essentials of her unaltered personality imprinted on my heart. I am focusing on
Her thoughtful look:

Her silliness:

Her confidence:

Her pensive desire to notice the world around:

to be a part of the conversation:

To drink up life:

I want to recollect her sass and her eyes that open wide and flicker a knowing snicker:

I want to remember this smile, this child, this little girl.

Celebrating Anna Cate's birthday, the day I became a mother altering the course of my mind and heart forever, was indeed a special day.
Tea for Three
Come and site with me and we'll have tea
And talk of things that were and things that are to be
Of places we will go and things that we will see
Just the two of us
My dear daughter and me
A little wooden table
With chairs for two, not three
Yes, of course you may bring your bear
And place him on my knee.
No longer just the two of us
It's tea for three, I see
My dear daughter, the bedraggled bear and me
The years passed by and you grew up
Framed in memory, I still see
Cherub hands dimpled daintily, clutching ivory cup of tea
Twinkle laughter owns the moment
Baby faced & full of glee
Starshine dusted by the angels
Oh, God's precious gift to me!
If I live to be a hundred
I shall never richer be
Then when I shared your dazzling presence
And together we sipped tea.
My dear Daughter, the bedraggled bear, and Me!
Lee Scott, c. 1998
Happy Birthday Anna Cate. You are one loved little girl. Sorry if I was a day early on my bday text ;)