After Molly's brithday party celebrations, Anna Cate flew home with her Nana for a trip to Centerville all by herself. It was her birthday present.
I want to add these scenes to our blog, but I don't really have a lot to say because it isn't really my experience to share. It is theirs. I can pontificate on the fact that this extensions of my self in this trans-generational relationship gives me a sense of roots and wings. Or, I can relay that it warms my heart to see them cherish each other, but I don't truly know about the relationship because in fact, my relationship with my parents is different than Anna Cate's and my relationship with Anna Cate is a totally different breed of parenting than grandparenting. So I'll just show you the scenes I snagged from Mom's camera card. Hopefully it will warm your heart, too.
Daddy told me that almost everything Anna Cate says is hilarious, and that her precious spin on events and one liners are quotable, becoming part of our family lexicon. Maybe a later post will be some of Anna Cate-isms. I certainly collect them.
A bit about the visit:
They went to Vanderbilt baseball games. There is no more devoted (read INSANELY deranged) sports fan of their alma mater than my dear ole Dad to the Commodores. Anna Cate enjoyed seeing their wins, and got to witness a grand slam. She also met a guy who might just rival Justin Bieber in her 4 year old version of a crush.

She attended Daddy Doug's Lady's dinner. About twenty years ago, Daddy started hosting a luncheon for all the women in his life (female lawyers, court reporters, clerks at the surrounding county clerk's offices, secretaries, any person he thinks is charming, etc.) He always has a speaker. It has been my grandmother and myself among other ladies, but this year my brother gave the speech. I haven't heard it yet, but I'm sure it was inspiring. Anna Cate told me it was about our Aunt Betty, whom his daughter is named for. Mom filled in the details that it was about her and Doris Waitt, the ladies for whom Kitty's middle names are given.

(tell me that is not the sweetest thing!?! In making a photo album for Anna Cate's birthday party, I perused photos from the last five years and I was struck by how many scenes I saw of my brother paying attention to Anna Cate. Thank you from the depths of my soul, Douglas, for taking an interest in hers.)

I want to add these scenes to our blog, but I don't really have a lot to say because it isn't really my experience to share. It is theirs. I can pontificate on the fact that this extensions of my self in this trans-generational relationship gives me a sense of roots and wings. Or, I can relay that it warms my heart to see them cherish each other, but I don't truly know about the relationship because in fact, my relationship with my parents is different than Anna Cate's and my relationship with Anna Cate is a totally different breed of parenting than grandparenting. So I'll just show you the scenes I snagged from Mom's camera card. Hopefully it will warm your heart, too.
Daddy told me that almost everything Anna Cate says is hilarious, and that her precious spin on events and one liners are quotable, becoming part of our family lexicon. Maybe a later post will be some of Anna Cate-isms. I certainly collect them.
A bit about the visit:
They went to Vanderbilt baseball games. There is no more devoted (read INSANELY deranged) sports fan of their alma mater than my dear ole Dad to the Commodores. Anna Cate enjoyed seeing their wins, and got to witness a grand slam. She also met a guy who might just rival Justin Bieber in her 4 year old version of a crush.

They went to church twice. (both the ones my parents attend, which is a little country church that Anna Cate said upon her first visit there, "this is your church? It is so small. Mine is big;" and the one I grew up in where my brother's family go)
She attended Daddy Doug's Lady's dinner. About twenty years ago, Daddy started hosting a luncheon for all the women in his life (female lawyers, court reporters, clerks at the surrounding county clerk's offices, secretaries, any person he thinks is charming, etc.) He always has a speaker. It has been my grandmother and myself among other ladies, but this year my brother gave the speech. I haven't heard it yet, but I'm sure it was inspiring. Anna Cate told me it was about our Aunt Betty, whom his daughter is named for. Mom filled in the details that it was about her and Doris Waitt, the ladies for whom Kitty's middle names are given.

(tell me that is not the sweetest thing!?! In making a photo album for Anna Cate's birthday party, I perused photos from the last five years and I was struck by how many scenes I saw of my brother paying attention to Anna Cate. Thank you from the depths of my soul, Douglas, for taking an interest in hers.)
They had tea parties and play dates.
They seemed to thoroughly enjoy each other's company. Thankfully, my parents told me on skype that her behavior was impeccable, but I have a suspicion that it was more the lack of rules rather than her following them. An example:
When I saw this I said to Mom, "didn't water get everywhere?" She said, "yes, but it was ok. I just mopped it up."

We skyped a few times, but I think it is safe to say that Anna Cate missed me only as a perfunctory rite of passage since she is quite comfortable both around my parents and making new but soon familiar friends.
On their way back to Virginia, they enjoyed a visit with Aunt and Glenn.

And a trip to the drive through Safari park. If you live in driving distance of southwest Virginia, you have to go with your kids. It is SO. MUCH. FUN!! 
As we parted each other Sunday here in our driveway, I said to my parents, "thanks so much for taking her home and introducing her to so many people." (What I meant was, thank you for help socializing her). Daddy said, "we didn't introduce her to a sole...she introduced herself and won people's hearts everywhere."
Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild. ~Welsh Proverb
(Anna Cate's 5th birthday was Saturday the 19th and that post will come soon. I may resolve to take March off from blogging since I'm so busy planning and celebrating, I'm left with little time to reflect and chronicle my thoughts on such.)

As we parted each other Sunday here in our driveway, I said to my parents, "thanks so much for taking her home and introducing her to so many people." (What I meant was, thank you for help socializing her). Daddy said, "we didn't introduce her to a sole...she introduced herself and won people's hearts everywhere."
Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild. ~Welsh Proverb
(Anna Cate's 5th birthday was Saturday the 19th and that post will come soon. I may resolve to take March off from blogging since I'm so busy planning and celebrating, I'm left with little time to reflect and chronicle my thoughts on such.)
What a special post Sarah! Happy birthday to the King girls! 2 birthdays in 1 month...whew!
It was great talking to you tonight Sarah. You are always an inspiration!