A little background on the Offenburgers:
Chuck Offenburger has been my father's best friend for almost 50 years since they were classmates of Vanderbilt's Class of 1969. He and Carla are kindred spirits of my family, as we've shared many of life's laughs and moments together. I have so many fond memories of long days spent with them on the saddle of a bike, pedaling through Iowa on RAGBRAI (Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) when I was a teenager or of joyous times when I was a student at Cornell College in Mount Vernon.
Their friendship in many ways shaped my life. Chuck and Carla's purposeful lives make them insightful and wise; their love for their friends, God and of the noble goodness in others show how profound their lives are from their home base of "Simple Serenity Farm" in Greene County, Iowa. Their clever wit and enjoyment of a good story, whether it be told orally or in writing, make them charming friends to have. That charm and a lot of talent make them celebrities in Iowa and cherished friends to the Bateses.
You can read some of my thoughts about the book in the review here. Chua's memoir brought up so many more points for me to ponder and I could have said so much more, so tell me have you read it? What do you think?