flowering - the time and process of budding and unfolding of blossoms

(squash bloom grown and photographed by BJ)
Tis the season for planting and tending to our garden.

I love seeing the flowers bloom in our yard, providing color for our landscape and some decoration for our home.

Our "garden to table" experience was limited to herbs and tomatoes in previous years.

This year, however, we are giving our hand (BJ's hand, that is) at vegetable gardening. I plan on blogging a lot more about this and am inspired by the Montanan mother, artist, writer, photographer and gardener Dig This Chick, who grows so much food in her garden she feeds her family during the winter from her summer garden. We are not setting such lofty goals.

flowering - metaphorical, a figure of speech to mean "the highest example or best representative."
The Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti said, "the flowering of love is meditation."
For over a year, my meditation has been the practice of escaping in our sometimes messy playroom/office and forgoing some mind-numbing tv time to meditate upon the stories of my life which is flying by so fast. When you have young children, people always tell you how fast it goes, but you can't possibly believe it until you are on that ride yourself.

This month, I've been "blogging" a year. On this space, I've rediscovered the joy of writing and learned some about photography. When I was in high school, I was asked to write about sports for my hometown newspaper and found what I enjoyed more than reporting key plays was finding the story, the human connections. Twenty years later, I write as a way to process and notice what my story is, to find meaning in life with my family and friends.
By using words and images to process my story here, new light has brightened my journey where I use my time, my heart and my soul in raising our family.

And, like the philosopher said, this meditating has allowed my love for life to flower, to show the best. I've realized that "writer" is a part of who I am partly because I've been so honored by those of you who are readers. Thank you.
"In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet." - Albert Schweitzer
This mediating has also nudged me to pay attention, not only allowing my life to flower but also my noticing the flowers at my feet, both the real ones and the metaphors.

flowering - the time and process of budding and unfolding of blossom. . . changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level.
Like Anna Cate's understandings or Molly's personality. Molly's spirit has captured my heart just as much as her tiny, slippery body and blue eyes did the day she entered in the world. Honestly, I could not have fathomed a child having as much personality as Anna Cate does. While I am noticing the differences in these two girls, I see that Molly Mae has a charm all of her own, just as engaging.

She isn't a "cuddler," often not willing to be held, sqirming to get down almost as soon as I pick her up.

But, she makes a point to stop what she is doing (which is a LOT of things, let me assure you) to run to my shins for a hug. It is a grand display of affection and a way to say, "I like knowing you are here, Mom, and even though I'm busy, I love you."

Her eyes intently dart into my soul, and when she smiles, she cocks her head or bows with a slight nod. When she graces someone with a kiss, she open-mouth giggles afterwards with an "ah-hah." Or after a kiss, she doubles over in laughter. It epitomizes the expression "the cutest thing."

I've believed since the first few days of her life, that there are deep thoughts ruminating behind those baby blues. Oh, how I wonder what those notions are.

I think I've mentioned here before how much she moves. Maybe she burns a lot of calories moving, which is why she enjoys eating so.

She smiles with her eyes, joyfully interacting in such a simple, sweet way.
Joy, simple as the wildflowers —George Garrett

Miss Diana said she has never watched a child that moved as much as Molly Mae does, but she also pointed out how she can entertain herself with anything for an extended period of time.

Both my girls are filled with gaiety, but I've noticed it comes from different motives.

(Meeting Author of The Red Bow, Donna Tyson)
Anna Cate is such an extrovert and so giving that she wants to be happy so that you can be happy. My first born is funny so that you'll laugh and she hopes that you'll continue to interact with her, demanding your attention. Anna Cate will pick flowers for me so that I'll be happy with the flowers and with her.

Molly will pick flowers for the entertainment of picking the flowers. Molly seems happy and playful with you rather than for you.

I don't remember Anna Cate being the Mama's girl that Molly is, though. So while Molly seems more independent, she is more clingy. (I worried that because I worked full time, Molly wouldn't know who her Mama was, but she knows who I am and our bond is as genuine as her smile. ) The intricacies of their spirit are as elaborate as petals.

Both these girls are so endearing to me. Yesterday, we forgot Anna Cate's gymnastics bag so we skipped the class and I took them to a local battlefield for an adventure...a bike ride for Anna Cate and a jog for Molly and me, along with a jaunt on a trail.

After we came home, Anna Cate said, "I'm so happy you and Daddy are my parents." In that moment, along with thousands of others, I thought, "I'm so glad you are my kid." When I look at Molly I say so often, "I'm so glad we had you." I'm meditating on their value in this world and in my life's journey, and I'm grateful for the way words and photography for this blog have helped me express life's adventures.
And speaking of life's adventures. Molly fell in her high chair cutting her lip Saturday night and I wondered if she needed stitches since there was so much blood, so we jaunted to the ER. After about 90 minutes and a $100 copay, the only advice was "give her a popsicle."

flowering - A natural development or outgrowth
I look forward to watching their personalities, understandings and spirits flower as their sisterhood has.

flower: the prime; peak
A few years ago, I met the super successful author, professor and filmmaker Joshua Greene, who has lived a very interesting life filled with world travel and much adventure. He is Hindu, practicing yoga and meditation, daily. When I asked him what his favorite "era" of his life was, he said, "right now." I want to live like that and see the prime in the present, and this blog helps build our bouquet. Thank for sharing in our flowers flowering.

Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. ~Gerard de Nerval