A little catch up on some pictures of our summer...
In the midst of facilitator of meals and entertainment, I've carved out a chunk of time for myself to be at CrossFit daily during the week...and it has been fabulous. The girls like hanging out here too and I love watching them play with the other kids.

We enjoyed July 4th festivities with new friends.

We've enjoyed the fruits (and veggies) of other's labors during the seasonal Farmer's Market.

Paleo Blackberry Cobbler and Grilled Peaches.
Swim team continues to be such a great experience. Anna Cate has taken almost 30 seconds off her 25m free style since last year.

Anna Cate with her sweet "buddy," and older swimmer. Anna Cate is learning competition and comraderie.

It takes so many volunteers to run a swim meet, which is nice to see so many parents involved.
She has fabulous coaches and an all-volunteer board of competent Moms who help to make this happen. Anna Cate doesn't go to school with our neighborhood kids since she catches the bus at Miss Diana's so it is a nice way to connect.

Molly finds ways to enjoy herself as well. She's great at cheering.

The girls have enjoyed their weekly visits and special attention from Patti.

On night, Anna Cate's best friend Leana joined them and the girls made bracelets and tshirts.

Anna Cate enjoyed being around her church friends and making new ones.

I could be fooling myself but I think Molly has an idea about what is going on.

If not, she knows how to fake it, making us think she is clued in.

We are quite thankful for our church family.

One afternoon, we hosted Baba and Maeve over for lunch and a spa day.

Now Molly only wants Baba to paint her nails.

Kristen, like myself, a teacher, gets to be a woman of leisure in the summer and could join us.

Those of you who know Brenda will appreciate what true love this was for Molly to get blue stuff (face cleansing masque) near Brenda with her eyes closed.

Baba, you are beautiful!! We love you:)

Summer is so grand.
We are digging in with determination to enjoy its sweetness...sort of like Molly with this cone.

Norah and I took our kids bowling.

All the kids bowled excpet Libby who just sat sweetly in her stroller.


There was a teenager playing with grandparents in the lane next to us and she said, "can you keep your kids in their own lane?" I jokingly said to Norah we should have said, "no, obviously, we can't...so say what you want to them!"
We've enjoyed play dates.

On an extremely hot day, I took the kids to the library and I'm embarassed I've only done it once this summer. What a wonderful experience!!!

Molly calls the shirt she is wearing her "abc" shirt. When I read to her what it said, she added, "I love Anna Cate. I love Rosie. I love Nana. I love Daddy Doug. I love Baba. I love Uncle Doug".... she is a sweet child and I should probably quit saying she is such a stinker.

Today we skipped morning church to go to the Museuem of American History, which I love!

I revel in awe of the exhibits myself and appreciate the opportunity to share the stories of the past with Anna Cate. I remember visting the museum when I was 10, and falling in love with the First Lady's dress section. I anticipated and enjoyed watching Anna Cate seeing this exhibit. Here she is staring at Michelle Obama's dress and jewels.

When we saw pictures of the Declaration of Indpendence and pictures of the Constitutional Convention, Anna Cate noticed there were no girls. I said something about a long time ago, women were considered useful in different areas...in the home, cooking, being pretty and having babies. I look forward to the day when little girls don't have to just see women represented by dresses and china...although, don't get me wrong -- I like dresses and dishes too. One day...

The stories of our young country still intrigue me. The Jefferson exhibit focusing on his positions on slavery was fabulous.

After some culture, the girls enjoyed some of the worst of pop culture (spounge bob ice cream) on the Mall.

Then, we got back to Fredericksburg in time for Sunday night service...which is another story.
This week is our last swim meet and then we leave for Tennessee for two weeks. When I get back, I'll be thinking about school and first grade. So in a way, this little chapter of our summer is ending. There has been lots of schlepping, packing snacks, lunches, running to swim practice, to crossfit, picking up, rushing around mixed in with quality conversation, cuddling and a few lazy naps together. I'm not good at everything, but I know we are having a good summer. I don't watch the news and my biggest concerns are getting everything together and out the door, but in the mix memories are made in this chapter of their lives.

“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald,The Great Gatsby
In the midst of facilitator of meals and entertainment, I've carved out a chunk of time for myself to be at CrossFit daily during the week...and it has been fabulous. The girls like hanging out here too and I love watching them play with the other kids.

We enjoyed July 4th festivities with new friends.

We've enjoyed the fruits (and veggies) of other's labors during the seasonal Farmer's Market.

Paleo Blackberry Cobbler and Grilled Peaches.

Swim team continues to be such a great experience. Anna Cate has taken almost 30 seconds off her 25m free style since last year.

Anna Cate with her sweet "buddy," and older swimmer. Anna Cate is learning competition and comraderie.

It takes so many volunteers to run a swim meet, which is nice to see so many parents involved.

She has fabulous coaches and an all-volunteer board of competent Moms who help to make this happen. Anna Cate doesn't go to school with our neighborhood kids since she catches the bus at Miss Diana's so it is a nice way to connect.

Molly finds ways to enjoy herself as well. She's great at cheering.

The girls have enjoyed their weekly visits and special attention from Patti.

On night, Anna Cate's best friend Leana joined them and the girls made bracelets and tshirts.

All three of us enjoyed a special week of Vacation Bible School. It takes a lot workers and thought to put on such a spectacular week but hearing and experiencing these children sing and learn about God is precious and good for the soul.

Molly was too young to participate but I let her stay and learn some of the songs.

Anna Cate enjoyed being around her church friends and making new ones.

I could be fooling myself but I think Molly has an idea about what is going on.

If not, she knows how to fake it, making us think she is clued in.

We are quite thankful for our church family.

One afternoon, we hosted Baba and Maeve over for lunch and a spa day.

Now Molly only wants Baba to paint her nails.

Kristen, like myself, a teacher, gets to be a woman of leisure in the summer and could join us.

Those of you who know Brenda will appreciate what true love this was for Molly to get blue stuff (face cleansing masque) near Brenda with her eyes closed.

Baba, you are beautiful!! We love you:)

Summer is so grand.

We are digging in with determination to enjoy its sweetness...sort of like Molly with this cone.

Norah and I took our kids bowling.

All the kids bowled excpet Libby who just sat sweetly in her stroller.


There was a teenager playing with grandparents in the lane next to us and she said, "can you keep your kids in their own lane?" I jokingly said to Norah we should have said, "no, obviously, we can't...so say what you want to them!"
We've enjoyed play dates.

On an extremely hot day, I took the kids to the library and I'm embarassed I've only done it once this summer. What a wonderful experience!!!

Molly calls the shirt she is wearing her "abc" shirt. When I read to her what it said, she added, "I love Anna Cate. I love Rosie. I love Nana. I love Daddy Doug. I love Baba. I love Uncle Doug".... she is a sweet child and I should probably quit saying she is such a stinker.

Today we skipped morning church to go to the Museuem of American History, which I love!

I revel in awe of the exhibits myself and appreciate the opportunity to share the stories of the past with Anna Cate. I remember visting the museum when I was 10, and falling in love with the First Lady's dress section. I anticipated and enjoyed watching Anna Cate seeing this exhibit. Here she is staring at Michelle Obama's dress and jewels.

When we saw pictures of the Declaration of Indpendence and pictures of the Constitutional Convention, Anna Cate noticed there were no girls. I said something about a long time ago, women were considered useful in different areas...in the home, cooking, being pretty and having babies. I look forward to the day when little girls don't have to just see women represented by dresses and china...although, don't get me wrong -- I like dresses and dishes too. One day...

The stories of our young country still intrigue me. The Jefferson exhibit focusing on his positions on slavery was fabulous.

After some culture, the girls enjoyed some of the worst of pop culture (spounge bob ice cream) on the Mall.

Then, we got back to Fredericksburg in time for Sunday night service...which is another story.
This week is our last swim meet and then we leave for Tennessee for two weeks. When I get back, I'll be thinking about school and first grade. So in a way, this little chapter of our summer is ending. There has been lots of schlepping, packing snacks, lunches, running to swim practice, to crossfit, picking up, rushing around mixed in with quality conversation, cuddling and a few lazy naps together. I'm not good at everything, but I know we are having a good summer. I don't watch the news and my biggest concerns are getting everything together and out the door, but in the mix memories are made in this chapter of their lives.

“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald,The Great Gatsby