Last weekend Anna Cate was baptized and I spent some time, thought and energy thinking about what dress she should wear. While I'm loving the young lady she is turning out to be, I'm a little sad to admit smocks and frills are short lived around this house. I jokingly told her, we'd be picking out prom dresses, then graduation dresses, then a wedding dress before I knew it...then before I knew it, I was crying. I see symbolism and sentiment in EVERYTHING. The dress isn't really what I care about it, it symbolizes the stages, the seasons and these precious people.

So the seaon of Fall was full of symbols and sentiment.

In October, we enjoyed a quick visit with Nana...

Where they enjoyed tea parties and a visit to Anna Cate's school.

And visits to the park.

And as much lip gloss as the girls wanted.

We took a Sunday off from church to enjoy a hike in the local trails.

We need the breaks some time to enjoy the moments...

To focus on our path.

A hurricane along the East coast gave us a couple days off of school, and the chance to chill with a spa day.

We reveled in Halloween with friends. The girls were Fairies.

We didn't notice until the end of the night that Anna Cate's costume was on inside-out.

A little vignette on what a sweet soul Anna Cate is. Her best friend Leana was scared to go see this guy. So Anna Cate, upon her return from seeing him, gave Leana some candy.

As usual, we ended the evening at Baba and Larry's home.

I love watching these two together. Molly's best friends are boys (Owen and Luke) so I guess it is good she is a tough cookie.

By our last stop, we figured out how the right way for Anna Cate's fairy goddess costume.

We enjoyed having Nana and Daddy Doug for Thanksgiving. When I say I host Thanksgiving, it is quite a misnomer as Mom and BJ do all the cooking with the help (or mayb hindrance of the girls)

I do more the stage work, behind the setting the table.

We did a Thankful garland where during our meals throughout the month, we wrote down our thanksgivings.

I'm keeping it up throughout the holiday season. Mostly what we are thankful for is family.

Seeing the girls in relationship with my parents is so fullfilling.

The season, the dressess, the deocration and the meals are a big part of this symphony that sometimes I conduct, other times I play in and sometimes I just sit on the front row to watch. All that I try to catpure through my writing, on my camera or in the constructs of my mind are merely the symbols of these experiences. Indeed, the fruit is the experience, yet the sweetness of the symbols feed my soul on this jouney. Just as Anna Cate's dress was on the forefrunt of my mind as we were planning for her to participate, it isn't the dress but the rite of passage in this ancient ritual that remind me what a sacred task I have in joining my family on these holy journeys.
Below are scenes of her baptismal experience with the voice of my Dad in the prayer he gave during the service after her baptism.
AnnaCate'sBaptism from Sarah King on Vimeo.
Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

So the seaon of Fall was full of symbols and sentiment.

In October, we enjoyed a quick visit with Nana...

Where they enjoyed tea parties and a visit to Anna Cate's school.

And visits to the park.

And as much lip gloss as the girls wanted.

We took a Sunday off from church to enjoy a hike in the local trails.

We need the breaks some time to enjoy the moments...

To focus on our path.

A hurricane along the East coast gave us a couple days off of school, and the chance to chill with a spa day.

We reveled in Halloween with friends. The girls were Fairies.

We didn't notice until the end of the night that Anna Cate's costume was on inside-out.

A little vignette on what a sweet soul Anna Cate is. Her best friend Leana was scared to go see this guy. So Anna Cate, upon her return from seeing him, gave Leana some candy.

As usual, we ended the evening at Baba and Larry's home.

I love watching these two together. Molly's best friends are boys (Owen and Luke) so I guess it is good she is a tough cookie.

By our last stop, we figured out how the right way for Anna Cate's fairy goddess costume.

We enjoyed having Nana and Daddy Doug for Thanksgiving. When I say I host Thanksgiving, it is quite a misnomer as Mom and BJ do all the cooking with the help (or mayb hindrance of the girls)

I do more the stage work, behind the setting the table.

We did a Thankful garland where during our meals throughout the month, we wrote down our thanksgivings.

I'm keeping it up throughout the holiday season. Mostly what we are thankful for is family.

Seeing the girls in relationship with my parents is so fullfilling.

The season, the dressess, the deocration and the meals are a big part of this symphony that sometimes I conduct, other times I play in and sometimes I just sit on the front row to watch. All that I try to catpure through my writing, on my camera or in the constructs of my mind are merely the symbols of these experiences. Indeed, the fruit is the experience, yet the sweetness of the symbols feed my soul on this jouney. Just as Anna Cate's dress was on the forefrunt of my mind as we were planning for her to participate, it isn't the dress but the rite of passage in this ancient ritual that remind me what a sacred task I have in joining my family on these holy journeys.
Below are scenes of her baptismal experience with the voice of my Dad in the prayer he gave during the service after her baptism.
AnnaCate'sBaptism from Sarah King on Vimeo.
Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact.
Ralph Waldo Emerson