Well that was fun. Anna Cate's birthday, Spring Break.
Our break kicked off with Anna Cate's birthday, which fell on Good Friday, and included Easter, time to chill out and a different type celebration this year. I struggled with how to celebrate Anna Cate's birthday on a couple fronts. First off, her birthday fell on good friday this year, and I was torn between being solemn the way my catholic-like mother raised me to be or celebrating my little girl and the day she came into our world. Sacrelidge crossed my mind as I thought, we honor Jesus's death every year and have been for 2000 years but Anna Cate turns 7 once. But then as I sat in church on Good Friday evening and had my heart break with the story again, I knew that sitting in black in church was where I should have been on Good Friday, on the same day that I also honored my baby coming into the world. So we celebrated her during the day with manicures/pedicures together with us girls and her best friend Leana, then we set out to honor the traditions of our faith.

The Easter bunny came and brought his usual -- a bathing suit and chocolate, as well as pooping jelly beans on our front walkway.

The excitement on their sleepyhead faces was priceless.

On the spiritual front of the holiday...
After the beautiful, poignant, thoughtful and thought-provoking Good Friday service, we celebrated the story of resurrection with our church family amidst this beautiful display of spring and of life, both of which we celebrate on Easter Sunday.

Subsequently, I also enjoy celebrating new Easter dresses and the sweet faces on my girls.

My mom made those headbands!

New dresses are habits that start young and die hard. Anna Cate took some pictures of me in my easter dress. It wasn't the most flattering but I really wanted a pastel chevron dress, and upon finding one, I knew with the right pair of spanx, I would wear it.

It is hard for me to pose for pictures like this, but when I see her confidence, I find mine.
We enjoyed a small gathering our home for Easter traditions.
Egg Dying

Both Laurie and I are Southern girls who don't live near our family so it is so nice to make new traditions together with our children, who love each other.

She brought the idea to have an egg-on-a-spoon-in-your-mouth relay at dusk.

Turns out running with a spoon between your teeth while balancing an egg is one of BJ's talents.

Molly just wanted to run so she held the spoon in one hand and the egg in the other.

We celebrated spring, the story of life conquering death and good friends, making special Easter memories which kicked off a week of spring break. I did housework sprinkled with quality but simple specialties with the girls including picnics for breakfast, a long trip to the park and a lunch with Molly on top of our play set.

Molly had her three year checkup and I was charmed as she answered all the doctor's questions and listened intently as I shared my thoughts and concerns. Molly Mae gets life.

Spring break sort of began and ended with celebrating Anna Cate's birthday. Instead of a party, she opted for a special day with her best friend Leana on her actual birthday. A week later, we enjoyed an overnight stay in downtown Fredericksburg with Leana, her mom Norah and our dear friends from Kentucky, Whitney and Kate. On Saturday we enjoyed tea with close friends, and it was a great way to celebrate Anna Cate's turning 7. Goodness knows, I love planning a party but I really liked the intimacy and ease of a small getaway. When I think about Anna Cate moving into the stage of her life where she is making memories and friends, I can not think of a better introduction than a small get together with dear friends, both hers and mine.

More than fancy parties or all the gifts in the world, I hope my precious little girl finds fulfilling relationships with girlfriends of all ages. I've been so unbelievably blessed and two of those blessings are pictured above, Norah and Whitney.
I created a video of Anna Cate's birthday and our celebration below.
AnnaCate'sBirthdayCelebration 1 from Sarah King on Vimeo.
Last week, I received this email from babycenter.com and I smiled at the relatable notion of how much I'm loving this age with Anna Cate.

In the same vein that I find myself sad that my girls are growing and changing, I'm finding truth in the message that it can be "the most rewarding phase." Both my girls have deep souls, charming personalities and loving smiles. Anna Cate charms me with her kindness and thoughtfulness, and Molly amazes me with her wit and understanding. In many ways as I reflect on our spring break, I found pure pleasure in their presence. So for spring, for Easter and for my big girl getting bigger, I'm grateful and content in the ways we celebrate.
Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. - Guillaume Apollinaire
Our break kicked off with Anna Cate's birthday, which fell on Good Friday, and included Easter, time to chill out and a different type celebration this year. I struggled with how to celebrate Anna Cate's birthday on a couple fronts. First off, her birthday fell on good friday this year, and I was torn between being solemn the way my catholic-like mother raised me to be or celebrating my little girl and the day she came into our world. Sacrelidge crossed my mind as I thought, we honor Jesus's death every year and have been for 2000 years but Anna Cate turns 7 once. But then as I sat in church on Good Friday evening and had my heart break with the story again, I knew that sitting in black in church was where I should have been on Good Friday, on the same day that I also honored my baby coming into the world. So we celebrated her during the day with manicures/pedicures together with us girls and her best friend Leana, then we set out to honor the traditions of our faith.

The Easter bunny came and brought his usual -- a bathing suit and chocolate, as well as pooping jelly beans on our front walkway.

The excitement on their sleepyhead faces was priceless.

On the spiritual front of the holiday...
After the beautiful, poignant, thoughtful and thought-provoking Good Friday service, we celebrated the story of resurrection with our church family amidst this beautiful display of spring and of life, both of which we celebrate on Easter Sunday.

Subsequently, I also enjoy celebrating new Easter dresses and the sweet faces on my girls.

My mom made those headbands!

New dresses are habits that start young and die hard. Anna Cate took some pictures of me in my easter dress. It wasn't the most flattering but I really wanted a pastel chevron dress, and upon finding one, I knew with the right pair of spanx, I would wear it.

It is hard for me to pose for pictures like this, but when I see her confidence, I find mine.

Egg Dying

Both Laurie and I are Southern girls who don't live near our family so it is so nice to make new traditions together with our children, who love each other.

She brought the idea to have an egg-on-a-spoon-in-your-mouth relay at dusk.

Turns out running with a spoon between your teeth while balancing an egg is one of BJ's talents.

Molly just wanted to run so she held the spoon in one hand and the egg in the other.

We celebrated spring, the story of life conquering death and good friends, making special Easter memories which kicked off a week of spring break. I did housework sprinkled with quality but simple specialties with the girls including picnics for breakfast, a long trip to the park and a lunch with Molly on top of our play set.

Molly had her three year checkup and I was charmed as she answered all the doctor's questions and listened intently as I shared my thoughts and concerns. Molly Mae gets life.

Spring break sort of began and ended with celebrating Anna Cate's birthday. Instead of a party, she opted for a special day with her best friend Leana on her actual birthday. A week later, we enjoyed an overnight stay in downtown Fredericksburg with Leana, her mom Norah and our dear friends from Kentucky, Whitney and Kate. On Saturday we enjoyed tea with close friends, and it was a great way to celebrate Anna Cate's turning 7. Goodness knows, I love planning a party but I really liked the intimacy and ease of a small getaway. When I think about Anna Cate moving into the stage of her life where she is making memories and friends, I can not think of a better introduction than a small get together with dear friends, both hers and mine.

More than fancy parties or all the gifts in the world, I hope my precious little girl finds fulfilling relationships with girlfriends of all ages. I've been so unbelievably blessed and two of those blessings are pictured above, Norah and Whitney.
I created a video of Anna Cate's birthday and our celebration below.
AnnaCate'sBirthdayCelebration 1 from Sarah King on Vimeo.
Last week, I received this email from babycenter.com and I smiled at the relatable notion of how much I'm loving this age with Anna Cate.

In the same vein that I find myself sad that my girls are growing and changing, I'm finding truth in the message that it can be "the most rewarding phase." Both my girls have deep souls, charming personalities and loving smiles. Anna Cate charms me with her kindness and thoughtfulness, and Molly amazes me with her wit and understanding. In many ways as I reflect on our spring break, I found pure pleasure in their presence. So for spring, for Easter and for my big girl getting bigger, I'm grateful and content in the ways we celebrate.
Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. - Guillaume Apollinaire