I have used photobucket to keep our pictures and it no longer cooperates as easily with blogger for me to click and drag easily, and this has given me a little bit of blogger block. So I've decided I want to spend more time writing when I want to write and not necessarily wait until I have pictures to go with my thoughts, so I'm going to try a new format for my blog. I'm going to enter essays more often that might be without pictures of the girls. However this is going to be a recap in pictures (and some words) of our summer thus far.
Summer has kicked off with trips to the pool, the beach, the library and the gym. Here are a few scenes of our summer.
We go to the pool often and I'm so thankful for these sun guard shirts and the beautiful bodies and faces I'm trying to protect.

And I want include mine in the bodies I'm trying to protect. I wear a hat, a rash guard shirt and 30 or 50 so if you see me tan this summer, it will come from a spray tan booth.

Molly is cuddle extraordinaire, which is lovely for the time with her but her mode of cuddling is anything but soothing. She rubs my neck and back and forth which is sweet while I'm awake and very annoying when I'm trying to sleep. Thankfully, I am sometimes able to convince her to cuddle with her sweetheart, Rosie.

And I want include mine in the bodies I'm trying to protect. I wear a hat, a rash guard shirt and 30 or 50 so if you see me tan this summer, it will come from a spray tan booth.

Molly is cuddle extraordinaire, which is lovely for the time with her but her mode of cuddling is anything but soothing. She rubs my neck and back and forth which is sweet while I'm awake and very annoying when I'm trying to sleep. Thankfully, I am sometimes able to convince her to cuddle with her sweetheart, Rosie.

BJ and I enjoyed a date night in the form of an outdoor wedding the night before my birthday.

Virginia is so beautiful.

My 37th birthday fell on Father's Day so we enjoyed a dual celebration.

The girls have spent time with their best friends, Leana and Luke. These girls dressed alike without a memo.

One afternoon Luke and Leana came over for a quick visit and I took them to the pool. When we got home, I hopped in the shower and came out to this....A wedding for Molly and Luke. Leana and Anna Cate dressed Molly up, put a pillow case over her head for a veil. AC got a children's bible and made up vows.
(look at the flower Luke is holding)

Maybe they took the kiss a little too seriously.

Swim team is in full swing and AC has two meets under her belt. Her first home meet she was honored to have Baba and Miss Diana to come cheer her on and they helped me entertain Molly Mae.

I've enjoyed some relaxing evenings, with good reads. Most recently I finished "Rules of Inheritance."

And I've enjoyed some ice cream, for the record.
We took a day trip to DC for a Nats game which luckily co-incided with my best friend's mother's trip to the city. We met for breakfast and enjoyed visiting.

The girls enjoyed peanuts and cracker jacks at the game as well as the company of Miss Sam, in whose wedding they will be flowers girls this December.

Last week, Anna Cate, Molly and I took a trip to a Delaware beach with our dear friends Laurie, Evan and Jackson. Evan and Anna Cate had experienced the beach together as babies.
Then And Now
I made a video slide show of our pictures. There were lots of memories made and I find myself feeling so grateful for friends and family with whom to make these memories. Of course there is whining that drives me crazy or constant tattling but those aren't the memories I think will last -- these are.
DELWAREBEACH from Sarah King on Vimeo.
Most notably to me is that Anna Cate got her sunrise because Laurie woke up before dawn and slipped into her room to take her out.
― Jeannette Walls, Half Broke Horses