Celebrating my daughters with friendship

I love that saying, "Enjoy the little things in life, because some day you will look back and realize they were the big things." Lately, I've been noticing stories and vignettes that seem small but are the big things I'm thankful for.

Molly, who turned 6, is turning into such a sweet, charming little girl.  In many ways, she is more of an innocent little girl at 6 than she was at 2. Odd. I credit her kindergarten teacher for bringing out the sweet little girl in her.

We celebrated her birthday at a jump house with a few friends.

We celebrated Easter with family and friends.

And the next day, Anna Cate and I joined our best friends, Leana and Norah on a trip of a lifetime to New York City as my dear friend Dani and her fabulous beau Kennedy hosted us.  It was a perfect way to celebrate two little girls, who have been best friends for their entire life as we celebrated turning 10. I felt like it was a celebration of girlfriends as a best friend of mine from college helped my little girl and her best friend with my dear friend Norah celebrate life.

Dani and Kennedy did everything to make this such an amazing experience. Dani took off the day of Anna Cate's birthday, made us all breakfast and treated us to an AMAZING afternoon tea at the plaza hotel. Dani is one of those people that makes you feel like what you are doing and with whom you are doing it is the most special time ever.  She has this quote about enjoying life's greatest times are in the moments. We had so many moments celebrating friendships of all ages. I love you, Dani, and your city. Thank you for sharing it and your spirit with us! "This moment is more precious than you think." - De La Vega (made possible by friendship, tea, cakes, champagne and dance parties)

10inNYC from Sarah King on Vimeo.

“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.” 
― William James
