So much has changed in three years. Yet I'm just finally feeling like things are the same. I don't even know where to start untangling what all is going on in my mind as I'm processing the way life has changed for us and how it has felt so familiar to me as I'm raising my children in my home town... something I never expected.
The girls. . .
Anna Cate is in 8th grade and has played on two sports teams (Volleyball and Basketball) at the school, which has been such a blessing. She works hard and enjoys the camaraderie.

She loves school mostly for the social aspect of it all and she does seem to have nice friends, which I appreciate.

Molly Mae is in the 4th grade and finally can say she loves living in Centerville...I think it took her a while to see the benefits. She misses our church, as do I, but we just don't get it all in life, and there is so much around us to celebrate...most importantly, family and a small town life. She also plays sports, really loves basketball but is developing an affection for softball since she loves playing catcher.

This summer Molly really just chatted my ear off every time we were together, and it really made me question the choice to teach in Dickson. And at the the very end of summer, a job came available and it was time to really come home. I took a position to teach in the room I started my career in 19 years ago.
Since 2017, I taught in a town about 40 minutes away, and it was good for me and them. I needed the two years to adjust... and BJ and the girls needed two years to acclimate to Centerville on their own. Moving home to teach I feel like has been the final step in my moving back to Centerville, and I finally am at peace about it all.
The girls. . .
Anna Cate is in 8th grade and has played on two sports teams (Volleyball and Basketball) at the school, which has been such a blessing. She works hard and enjoys the camaraderie.

She loves school mostly for the social aspect of it all and she does seem to have nice friends, which I appreciate.

Molly Mae is in the 4th grade and finally can say she loves living in Centerville...I think it took her a while to see the benefits. She misses our church, as do I, but we just don't get it all in life, and there is so much around us to celebrate...most importantly, family and a small town life. She also plays sports, really loves basketball but is developing an affection for softball since she loves playing catcher.

This summer Molly really just chatted my ear off every time we were together, and it really made me question the choice to teach in Dickson. And at the the very end of summer, a job came available and it was time to really come home. I took a position to teach in the room I started my career in 19 years ago.
Since 2017, I taught in a town about 40 minutes away, and it was good for me and them. I needed the two years to adjust... and BJ and the girls needed two years to acclimate to Centerville on their own. Moving home to teach I feel like has been the final step in my moving back to Centerville, and I finally am at peace about it all.