Spring Stories

In April, I flew home and surprised my Dad as the local chamber of commerce hosted a Roast in his honor (or dishonor) for him to raise money for a scholarship fund. Daddy was a perfect roast centerpiece as there are many stories roast-worthy and he enjoyed the attention as well as all the fun stories.  I think he could be the honoree every year and we would never run out of stories. I enjoyed surprising him.

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As well as telling some stories and making fun.  I think I can compare the fun we had at Daddy's roast to parenting and life -- it is great fun to tell stories, to spend our time making great stories as well as taking the time to notice the stories in the moments together.   In order to have a whole lot of fun, you have to be willing to laugh at yourself.  As the school year is winding down, Anna Cate's back back is filled with memorabilia (if I were my mother and planned to keep it all)/ work from her classroom that might last the summer around here. In one of her writing workshop notebooks, I saw the simple line of truth and humor in her words, "I have to remind my mom about a lot of things. She is forgetful."

So we are spending the spring slowing down, changing our routine a bit and getting ready for summer, and making some memories as we either tell stories or live moments that will eventually be stories.

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Anna Cate wrapped uo her year as a Daisy Girl Scout, making the bridge in a ceremony to brownie.
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Girl Scouts teaches those good life lessons. I listened to the promise and it brings back lots of memories...and stories.

Molly ends the school year with Miss Diana's annual sleepover.  For the kids who spend the day with Miss Diana (and who are potty trained), there is an end-of-the-year sleepover which is over the top.  I look forward to the pictures of the fun as much as a night off.  Anna Cate's sleepovers included a luau, a cowboy themed hoe-down, and a pirate paradise. This year, Molly's first was Beach themed.

batesking04's Story

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You know I wish I didn't have to work, but images like these enforce my positive attitude. So many times, Molly says, "Let's talk, Mom. So, how was your day?"  Think of the stories we can share because we spend time apart.
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Don't get me wrong, I'd rather be together and we will enjoy creating more stories together this summer.

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Next post: Memorial Day weekend and a visit with Nana, including a fancy tea party.

The destiny of the world is determined less by the battles that are lost and won than by the stories it loves and believes in. —Harold Goddard


Anonymous said…
I loved this one from start to finish and a rare non-tear jerker!!! WHAT A JEWEL Miss Diana is. I look so forward to seeing all of the neat things she creates and all of the fancy themed foods which must take her hours to prepare. As always thank you for taking the time to share.