Learning to Bend and Adapt

Recently, I re-read a blog I wrote as Anna Cate went to kindergarten as I reflected on her starting high school. I meant to share my thoughts as she finished middle school. It is no secret I worry about the rigorous academic preparation she is missing that we would have had if we would have stayed in Fredericksburg. The AP classes, the diversity of opportunity in classes, like foreign languages, but a friend of mine shared with me this important characteristic of success... that they can adapt. Anna Cate does that well.

In 8th grade, she got three awards that made me proud... the Bulldog award from her basketball coaches for being coachable, best all-round from her classmates, and for being kind to others, the teachers voted her "friend of Fred." Another friend told me that women who play sports tend to be in leadership roles in their places of business. She has started high school and is one of the only kids who wear a mask during these crazy times. I think she is learning who she is, that is ok to be different, to be kind, and to be clear in setting her boundaries. She worked out over quarantine and summer and I think it has helped her confidence as well as sports skills. She made both the volleyball and high school basketball teams.

Molly started 5th grade as a remote student this year. It has certainly been an experience in adapting. She and her best friend/cousin Kitty have worked hard and I think they have learned the curriculum, thanks to their amazing teacher, and their determination. I know the pandemic and responses to it have been hard on kids, but I keep thinking of how, with the right attitude, we can seize the chance to learn to adapt. Those skills are more important than momentary gratification. It has also given us much more time with family. Tallulah turned 4 with a Hamilton-themed birthday party. Each girl knows every word of the musical, and I think maybe even understand a bit of American History and the idea of "who gets to tell your story?" 
And, isn't that what we are all trying to deal with these days -- what is the story?  

That's what these kids are doing during these times of 2020 -- figuring out how to tell our story with our lives. Yes, things aren't working out as we thought they were but I have hope that the way we adapt and learn to adapt will be the foundation of our peace.

